"No Man is Greater than his Prayer Life"
“No Man is Greater than his Prayer Life” – Ravenhill.
I believe this one of the greatest quotes because prayer is the secret to knowing God. The best way to seek God is by prayer. There is nothing wrong with crying out to Jesus for help. He desires that from us to be as little children and need Him.
I encourage you today to seek God with all your heart. The first commandment in the bible is “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matthew 22:36-40)
Sermon Jams - Powerful Short Messages

Will You Stay on the Cross? Leonard Ravenhill
-if i were to ask you tonight why did jesus come into the world what would you say i i think some would say well

Death, Then the Judgment | Charles Lawson
-the scripture says and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment it is absolutely completely certain that you’re

Full Time Ministry | Stranded On Patmos | David Wilkerson
-full-time ministry apostle john was taken prisoner and shipped off to rome it was either the emperor nero or diocletian who banished him to a

If You Only Had Three Months to Live, What Would You Do? Tim Conway
-Christ is going to defeat this whole deal and one of the ways he’s defeating it is through his children that he came to save

What Is Your Life? | Leonard Ravenhill
-I have a text tonight which is a question and it’s a question that we cannot answer collectively it’s a question you have to answer

Sweet Sermons of Satan | Steve Hill
-so many people today can’t handle difficult words from God I am reminded of when Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood and

How Wicked is Our Sin | Romans 3:23 | Paul Washer
-Romans 3:23 sure I have heard some very godly men say that if they had to lose the entire Bible and could pick only onepassage

Be Careful what you Allow in Your Home | Paul Washer
-Do you have a television ? i do it’s not connected to anything, are there some good things out there that i could see in